On our 3rd trip down, I was accompanied by my father and friends, Manny B. and Gary. Our plan was to hunt a couple of the new ranches and see what we could find. The moon phase was perfect and the timing was expected to be perfect for the rut!
On our first day out on the first ranch we glassed up several nice bucks and got familiar with the area and terrain. One buck in particular had our attention and a plan was made for the 2nd day.
Right away, with my dad and I on one side of the mountain and Gary, Manny B. and Santos on the other, we all located the buck at the same time. From our different vantage points we could see similar slopes and the buck was rutting his doe in a great spot for a stalk from Manny and Santos. Dad, Gary and I sat back and watched as they stalked in to less than 300 yards and Manny dropped the hammer on his largest Coues buck to date! Congrats Manny on a great buck!
Right after watching the show, dad and I hiked over the mountain behind us and immediately glassed up another good buck. We closed the distance as close as possible but our shot was still pushing 700 yards across a huge canyon. The buck had great beams and good mass and we figured would break the 100" mark easily. After setting the rifle up on the Loc Jaw and tripod, dad settled in and made a perfect 1 shot kill at 646 yards! Although the quick kill was great, the buck rolled a long ways down the steep rocky hill and broke 3 tines in the process! I felt bad for dad as I finally hiked up to his buck and saw the extent of the damage. He wasn't worried about it and was thankful for the quick kill and awesome experience we shared together! Great job dad!
Lastly, after relocating to the second ranch, it was Gary's turn! We were glassing up 30-50 bucks per day! The rutting action was some of the best I've seen and the deer numbers was amazing! Our main problem was the high winds and long shots and it wasn't until the last evening when Gary finally found the buck he wanted and smoked em' with a fatal shot at almost 700 yards! We had a blast hunting that ranch and can't wait to return this next season! Congrats on a great buck Gary!
Right before leaving, Manny glassed up a huge herd of Javalina right from the ranch house! No time was wasted in grabbing the rifle and setting it up on the tripod! 1 by 1 everyone slid in behind the gun and each took a shot and killed a Javalina! It was incredible shooting as the closest Javalina was 515 yards and the farthest killed was 689 yards and all were 1 shot kills! The Loc Jaw in conjuction with an accurate rifle makes for a very serious long range hunting set up! Congrats again and thanks for a great and memorable hunt guys! JIM