Thank you for checking out San Rafael Outfitters..the Mexico side of Mullins Outfitters!

We've spent many years hunting and learning old Mexico! That experience and knowledge has helped us feel confident and safe in our operations south of the border and enjoy great success! We've got some great ranches and great friends that help us have enjoyable and successful hunts every year and we hope you'll join us this next season and experience old Mexico for yourself!

We are very excited to introduce our newest ranch!

2011-2012 Season Success Photos!

March 20, 2012

What We Are Offering For The 2012-2013 Season

In 2011-2012 we've already spent almost 8 weeks hunting and scouting new ranches and I've got many more to go look at! To offer the best quality we need to be on the best ranches and it's an ongoing task continually looking for bigger and better! I am very excited with the ranches we have and especially with the ones we recently acquired! I know there will be some giant Muleys and Coues bucks hitting the dirt this next season and I hope you will be the hunter to experience it for yourself with us!

Our Coues Hunts are booked for 7 days and all inclusive. The hunt cost is $4,250.00. All paperwork, tag and permits are included in that price. First deposit of $2,000.00 is non-refundable and reserves your spot, and the final deposit of $2,250.00 is due 30 days prior to your hunt. Everything will be provided for you with the exception of alcohol beverages which you can purchase prior to arriving at the ranch. There will be an english speaking guide in camp. All necessary paperwork will be provided to you prior to your hunt and we will assist in checking your weapons with the military at the border crossing or airport. Transportation is provided to and from the airport in Hermosillo and flying into Mexico is strongly encouraged as it is safer and will be much easier and more enjoyable for you. If you prefer to drive, we will have an english speaking escort meet you at the border, help you with getting your visa and checking guns at the military and lead you to your ranch. There will be a small fee for this to cover the escort's expenses.

Our Mule Deer hunts are booked for 7 days as well and are all inclusive. The initial hunt cost is $5,500.00, and inludes all paperwork and permits. We are doing our Mule Deer hunts with a "Kill Fee" attached. If you kill, or draw blood, there is a "Kill Fee" of an additional $4,000.00 due on the day that you are successful. If you decide not to kill then you owe nothing more. So if you are successful the total hunt cost will be $9,500.00. We feel by doing this we eliminate some of the risk for those not wanting to chance spending all the money and not kill. Again, it is encouraged to fly into Hermosillo for your hunt where it is much easier and faster, thus making it more enjoyable for you.

We do offer "Semi-Guided" hunts and "Archery Only" hunts at a discounted price. You will have an escort to and from the ranch but no guide, cook, food, or lodging will be provided. The "Archery Only" hunts will have an escort at the ranch that will take you to the blinds or stands every day, help develop new sites if necessary and check trail cameras to aid in your hunts success. We can custom tailor these hunts to meet your needs. Please call us to see what we can do for you! Prices for "Semi or Non-Guided" hunts will vary depending on tag prices for the ranch being hunted.

If you have any questions or are interested in hunting the giant bucks of Sonora with us next season, please call or email me anytime!

Jim Mullins
cell# 602-882-1182

March 19, 2012

Spots filling up fast!

Hey guys and gals, I just wanted to let all those interested in hunting with us next season know that spots are filling up fast! Most of our clients from last season have already made the commitment to book for next season and the prime dates and ranches are filling up quick!

Give me a call or email if you are concerened with hunting during a specific time or on a specific ranch as it won't be long before the flexibility of our schedule gets locked down! Thanks, Jim.

March 12, 2012

What are the chances!!!

Check this out! Two seasons ago, a client of ours killed a giant Coues buck. This buck unfortunately had broken 2 main points off his right antler sometime within the few days prior to us taking him. I had this buck in my rifle scope a week earlier while scouting and he was fully intact and I gotta say, not pulling the trigger was the hardest thing I've ever done! My client was coming a week later and it just wouldn't be right if I shot this buck before he had a chance! Had I known he would break 2 of his tines off before my client got there things might've been different!
Here's a trailcam picture of the buck right before my client showed up...
Once my client showed up, it took us no more than 10 minutes to locate this buck and confirm it was indeed him in the trailcam photos. We had hoped it wasn't him as it doesn't appear to be as big in the picture, but sure enough, it was him and he had indeed broken 2 huge tines! This buck intact scored in the mid 130's and even after the breakage he still scores a whopping 117"! We watched this buck all day within killing distance, trying to decide if we should shoot him. My client finally decided he would take him and have his tines repaired...BOOM....done.
Fast forward to last season... While scouting that same ranch, the owner showed me a shed he had found the summer before. As soon as he pulled it out of his truck I about fell over...IT WAS THE SAME BUCK! Crazier still, it was the side that was broken! The shed was found less than 500 yards from where we killed the buck and was from the previous year. That shed alone scores 57" putting the buck at a solid 130" the year before. He gained some inches in mass, beam length and a small sticker point the year after.

Finishing it out with a Bang!

Howdy folks, here's some details about our last hunt in beautiful Sonora, Mexico last season!
Our last trip was at the end of January and we knew going into it that the rut was tapering off. We were still hopefull that we'd find some great bucks for our clients and the hunt was on!
First up was Matt. Matt has killed a giant 203" Muley with us before and he was back looking for another! The Muley rut was very scarce this past season and it was one of the toughest years to hunt Muleys south of the border. Our thoughts for this hunt was to high rack the country where the post rut bucks were hanging out and hopefully we'd find one up and feeding. This same country also holds Coues deer so this would be a combo hunt! Matt did see a couple bucks, the biggest being a 170" class buck that Matt decided to pass on. Coincidentaly, immediately after passing up that nice Muley, Matt and crew rolled up on a very nice Coues buck and Matt made an incredible shot taking his biggest Coues buck at that time! He didn't know yet that he would kill a bigger buck a few days later!
Continuing to pound the hills for a giant Muley, Matt kept his focus and stayed with it. He was excited about his success with the Coues buck but was still hoping for a giant Muley or a bigger Coues! The hunt for Muleys got slower with each day so our focus turned more to finding a Coues. It didn't take long and Matt found himself settling his crosshairs on yet another beautiful Coues buck and took him with a perfect single shot! Congrats on your awesome Coues bucks Matt, we'll get that second giant Muley next season!
Next up was Terry. Terry had already been hunting with another outfitter earlier in the season but was unsuccessful so he came back down with us to give it another shot! We hunted Muleys unsuccessfully for the first few days and again changed plans and went Coues hunting! It only took 1 evening after changing our target animal and we had Terry on 3 nice Coues bucks. Terry did a great job with remaining calm and patient and once the biggest buck gave him a clear shot he dropped em' in his tracks! This was Terry's first ever Coues buck and even though he's got a broken tine on the left it's still a really nice buck! Congrats Terry, we look forward to hunting with you next season!

Third Hunt Whackin' and Stackin'!

On our 3rd trip down, I was accompanied by my father and friends, Manny B. and Gary. Our plan was to hunt a couple of the new ranches and see what we could find. The moon phase was perfect and the timing was expected to be perfect for the rut!
On our first day out on the first ranch we glassed up several nice bucks and got familiar with the area and terrain. One buck in particular had our attention and a plan was made for the 2nd day.
Right away, with my dad and I on one side of the mountain and Gary, Manny B. and Santos on the other, we all located the buck at the same time. From our different vantage points we could see similar slopes and the buck was rutting his doe in a great spot for a stalk from Manny and Santos. Dad, Gary and I sat back and watched as they stalked in to less than 300 yards and Manny dropped the hammer on his largest Coues buck to date! Congrats Manny on a great buck!
Right after watching the show, dad and I hiked over the mountain behind us and immediately glassed up another good buck. We closed the distance as close as possible but our shot was still pushing 700 yards across a huge canyon. The buck had great beams and good mass and we figured would break the 100" mark easily. After setting the rifle up on the Loc Jaw and tripod, dad settled in and made a perfect 1 shot kill at 646 yards! Although the quick kill was great, the buck rolled a long ways down the steep rocky hill and broke 3 tines in the process! I felt bad for dad as I finally hiked up to his buck and saw the extent of the damage. He wasn't worried about it and was thankful for the quick kill and awesome experience we shared together! Great job dad!
Lastly, after relocating to the second ranch, it was Gary's turn! We were glassing up 30-50 bucks per day! The rutting action was some of the best I've seen and the deer numbers was amazing! Our main problem was the high winds and long shots and it wasn't until the last evening when Gary finally found the buck he wanted and smoked em' with a fatal shot at almost 700 yards! We had a blast hunting that ranch and can't wait to return this next season! Congrats on a great buck Gary!
Right before leaving, Manny glassed up a huge herd of Javalina right from the ranch house! No time was wasted in grabbing the rifle and setting it up on the tripod! 1 by 1 everyone slid in behind the gun and each took a shot and killed a Javalina! It was incredible shooting as the closest Javalina was 515 yards and the farthest killed was 689 yards and all were 1 shot kills! The Loc Jaw in conjuction with an accurate rifle makes for a very serious long range hunting set up! Congrats again and thanks for a great and memorable hunt guys! JIM

Another Big Buck Down! The "9 Incher"!


Our second hunt was a success! We put together another hunt for right after Christmas in hopes of capitalizing on what was left of the good moon phase. We had a really nice buck on trailcams and were hoping that we could locate either him or another great buck. Right away we found the "9 Incher", as our friend Steve named him because of his 9" G2's, and a stalk was made.
We crossed a canyon and set up just as "9 Incher" stopped and gave us one last look at only his head and rack! We tried our hardest to find a shot through brush but all that was visible was his head at around 300 yards. We watched as he dissappeared over the ridge and that was it for day 1!

On day 2, we relocated "9 Incher" again and after some fast rutting action he bedded in a thicket with, yet again, only his head visible! My friend and I set up at around 460 yards and waited him out. There was no way to get closer and still have a shot but my friend was a well practiced and competent shooter at distances well beyond this so we were set and just needed him to stand. 1 hour passed, then 2, and then at around 3 hours later, the sun finally heated him up enough to make him stand and stretch. My friend was prone and ready to go and not more than 2 seconds after "9 Incher" stood up he made a perfect shot putting him right back into his bed!

We all figured "9 Incher" would hit the 110" mark, but after seeing him in person on the first day we all figured he would exceed that mark. The trailcam pics make him look thinner than he is and you don't see the little extra's he has either. "9 Incher" was one of those bucks you walk up on and say "WOW"! His character and sheer awesomeness makes him an outstanding trophy and we were all very excited to put our hands on him! He gross scored just over 114" even tho most of his little sticker points don't count as they are just under an inch, but they add tons of character to this great buck! Congrats to VW on his 2nd trophy buck this season! Our
2nd trip was a blast and we all had a safe and enjoyable trip in beautiful Sonora, MX! JIM